After all, aren’t we supposed to all be different given that no two people are alike?  The simple answer is-cultural bias is deeply rooted into the body and soul of a human being.

So is it simply a formula of mind over matter that will solve the equation of diversity=differences?

One solution is to utilize your business mind to obtain the competitive edge you need to succeed in business by going beyond the back and white of diversity to address the gray areas.  This requires an in-depth understanding and appreciation for the differences in people to extract their full potential as a contributing member of a team or society.

For many years addressing diversity meant taking into account an individual’s race/ethnicity and religion/creed.  But, in recent years diversity sensitivity has also taken into consideration a person’s mental and physical abilities or disabilities as well as their gender and sexual orientation.

Addressing the gray area of diversity is more than just recognizing the difference in individuals because of age, education and family status.  It also means delving deeper into their personal background to understand their diverse perspectives such as first language, country of origin and nationality which now, more than ever, are the real differences we find in today’s society.  Other more subtle differences include military experience, communication style and household income.

So what would it look like in an algebraic equation?

Mind/Matter x (understanding + appreciation 2 ) = diversity is to differences= (race + religion) x √first language + country of origin-nationality ÷ (military experience + household income) – communication style (x + y)

Solution Set:  If reciprocal of the golden mean, Φ that exists in all of nature could equal the golden rule then accepting differences would be as easy as pie.